Уругвайський бренд "Cabral", швидше за все, скористався маркетинговими приманками, котрими не гребують послуговуватися й деякі інші бренди. У лінійці цього виробника вже самі назви марок мате говорять про буцімто цільове призначення: "Diab", "Nerviosos", "Silueta Ideal". Чому я сказав "швидше за все", бо, як відомо, хоч тут і поділили жербу за функціональним призначенням, уся трава має однакові властивості. Щоправда, якщо вірити "Cabral'у", то справа в домішках.
Жерба марки "Diab", наприклад, - компуеста для боротьби з діабетом. А "Nerviosos" - мікс трав для полегшення нервових розладів.
Ось така вона, уругвайська аптечка.
З оригіналу:
Cabral Compuesta
Cabral yerba mate hails from the great country of Uruguay, who leads the world in yerba mate consumption. This compuesta blend contains specially selected herbs of the highest quality to help fight heartburn, nervous disorders and isnomnia, all without compromising the taste of a great mate.
Enjoy the benefits of these herbs:
*Yerba Carnicera (Butcher Grass) - Used to treat liver and stomach ailments
*Mburucuya (Passion Flower) - Sedative, slightly hypnotic properties that help calm nerves and fight insomnia
*Congorosa - An evergreen shrub native to South America, it is useful in treating stomach and intestinal disorders such as gastritis, ulcers, cramps and colic
Enjoy the commercial in the product video link below!
2.2lb (1Kg) Bag
Item M288C
Cabral Diab
Cabral yerba mate hails from the great country of Uruguay, who leads the world in yerba mate consumption. This compuesta blend has herbs to help fight diabetes.
Enjoy the benefits of these herbs:
*Pata de vaca (Brazilian orchid tree) - Lowers blood sugar, diuretic for kidney and urinary disorders (including polyuria, cystitis and kidney stones), cleanses blood and builds blood cells
*Ortiga (Nettle) - Lowers blood sugar and glycemic levels
*Sarandi blanco - Diuretic and regulates blood sugar
2.2lb (1Kg) Bag
Item M288DB
Cabral Nerviosos
Cabral yerba mate hails from the great country of Uruguay, who leads the world in yerba mate consumption. This "Nerviosos" blend contains specially selected herbs of the highest quality to help relieve nervous disorders, stomach pain and isnomnia, all without compromising the taste of a great mate.
Enjoy the benefits of these herbs:
*Manzanilla (Chamomile) - Antispasmodic herb that relieves stomach pains and cramps
*Mburucuya (Passion Flower) - Sedative, slightly hypnotic properties that help calm nerves and fight insomnia
*Congorosa - An evergreen shrub native to South America, it is useful in treating stomach and intestinal disorders such as gastritis, ulcers, cramps and colic
Check out the funny commercial in the video below!
2.2lb (1Kg) Bag
Item M288N
Cabral Silueta Ideal
Cabral yerba mate hails from the great country of Uruguay, who leads the world in yerba mate consumption. This blend is specially designed for weight loss, containing herbs and seaweed to reduce bloating and eliminate toxins from the body.
Enjoy the benefits of these herbs:
*Sarandi blanco - Diuretic and regulates blood sugar
*Fucus (seaweed) - Aids in reducing obesity by acting as an emulsifier and thickening agent with food, helping to relieve hunger by creating a feeling of fullness
*Colo de caballo (horsetail) - Diuretic
Enjoy the amusing commercials in the product video link below!
2.2lb (1Kg) Bag
Item M288S